Lokyata LeadBuy

AI-Based Lead Buy Decisioning

Automatically assess the quality of an online lead application in real-time with the assistance of AI

Lokyata LeadBuy
Smart LeadBuy Decisioning

Smart LeadBuy Decisioning

  • Our lenders process hundreds of thousands of leads every month
  • LeadBuy quickly processes leads to determine lead quality
  • Lead Buy Workflow Automation provides fast lead processing
  • Plug and Play with Popular Alt-Data Providers and Credit Reporting Agencies
  • Sophisticated lead campaign management based on your organization’s schedule

Combine LeadBuy with FraudBlock and BankAnalyze

  • Combine with Lokyata FraudBlock for a powerful and robust lead screening​
  • Combine with Lokyata BankAnalyze for a comprehensive lead to loan underwriting automation​
  • Reduce underwriting costs, never-pay rates, and CPF​
  • Increase contact rates and your overall ROI​
Combine with BankAnalyze and FraudBlock